Wednesday, January 4, 2012

TV or Movies?.... Both please!

Hi guys!
Well  First ,  I love the TV series, because you can follow a great story along the time  and see how the  characters develop his own worlds inside  every chapter . In this kind of TV shows always at the final of chapters,  the follower to be wating to the next, and inclusive  you can live always a catarsis with the story.

About the movies, I like it too, but I'm not a cultured person about this  art, and I think the cine Is something more like a simple images in a screen, on the contrary when you has the oportunity of study this part of the art, discovers a big treasure, where  every detail is thinking and nothing is at random.
I always saw the TV series through the internet, because in Santiago I don't have  satelital TV, but that is not  a problem, I just surf in the computer looking for the new charapter and almost always I found them. My favourite serie in this moment is called "DEXTER" and is the story  of a serial killer, that saw when He was a little child how a narcotrafic band killed to his mom in her face. One of the reasons  that always do me saw  a new chapter Is the principal actor, he is beautifull. In spite he is a serial killer, Is a good father, and just kill to bad people that lives in miami xD (read this with a sarcatic tone).
See you in Friday

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    I think you should have to see warner`s bros comedies like two and a half man, mike and molly or the big bang theory xD
    and about the cinema i am agree with you about that persons who study or have another kind of culture in this world enjoy more x)
