Friday, January 27, 2012

My lovely faculty...

I’m student from de odontology faculty, and for me it’s the best decision that I could have taken for two reasons…

First, I studied for two years in bachillerato, and that was sufficient time for do the right choice, I’m completely sure of that…

Second, since I received my PSU score, I started to think in this career because I have good relationship with people, I love the science and also my fine motor skill is good.

When finally I came to my campus (odontology campus), I felt so proud of me for been achieve my goal, then I start look around  me and  I saw   three buildings,  that for me  looked amazing, but this first impression change over the time…

Some good things that have my campus, Are the new changes that are making, for example the next year we will have a great library with study rooms and new books, the clinic will be completely renovated, and inclusive the next year will be built a new clinic, and not only that, the sciences are growing up, because our teachers won a lot of projects in this area.  

In other hand the drawbacks...