This post is very difficult, why?, because today I have to write about a free topic and My mind could be free too for express crazy things if I want.
But I think that It's not time for express crazy things, because our country is in a very difficult moment, and Us like young people and students must to show the world which important things are occurring in our lives.
First, about the University ,I think that the changes that the students, teachers and principal are demanding to the State are great, I'm totally according with to make a better education .
In my own experience respect to the PSU I never been according with that , because I think that a simple test It can't pretends to show my abilities, I was a very good student in the school but for different things that it happened in the PSU times I can't obtained the great score that I expected, however I had all the qualities for go to the University of Chile.
Second, I think that in our country there are much socio-economic differences between the Chilean population, and sadly in the last twenty one years, our politicians didn't do anything for change that, on the contrary they go on with the politic model of the regimen doing more deeply this differences.
The economy model of our country require more regulation for protect the Chilean interests.
Third, You can say that change the world It's an utopy, but I think if we don't dream with a world better, the people never do things for have a good life,and for live a happy life in a beauty world, we have to start for ourself.
I hope you have a great day
see you soon
Cris ;)
Hi Cristina!
ReplyDeleteI like this serial too although I haven`t seen it since long time.
Post me!!
Seba Perry
thanks for you comment.
ReplyDeletesee you soon ;)
I imagine that is a good fun and interesting serial but what about your thoughts?, may be you could have talked about some of the interesting events happening in Chile right now, the student´s strike for instance!
ReplyDeleteMiss... you're right...
ReplyDeleteI'll write about the odonto's reality in the last days ...
see you soon...